<Command id="?" requestId="?" version="?" answerRecipient="?" deviceId="?" serviceId="?" logicalId="?">
| id |
Command Identification Constant. It can be followed by a description of the command, separated by comma
i.e.: id="0x7060015,XPEAK_COMMAND_INITIALIZE"
| requestId |
Sequential number to identify the answer. The answer of this command will include the same requestId
| version |
Version of the command. Each command can have any number of versions, so the Service can proceed depending on it
i.e.: version="0x706"
| answerReceipient |
This field can vary depending on the Xpeak Server used. Indicates where the answer must be sent. For example, a Socket Xpeak Server will need the IP address and PORT.
i.e.: answerRecipient=""
| deviceId |
Identifies the Xpeak Device to use. It has 3 parts separated by '-': Manufacturer, Type and Model
i.e.: deviceId="Acme-Card-Swing" or deviceId="Olivetti-Printer-PR2"
| serviceId |
Each device can have any number of services. For example, a PinPad device can include a Card Reader, a Display, a Keyboard, etc.
i.e.: serviceId="CardGuideLight" or serviceId="Printer"
| logicalId |
When an application uses the same service of the same device more than once at a time (for example 2 chip card readers), it needs to name them in a different way
i.e.: logicalId="MyChip1"